Post by shamgod777 on May 20, 2004 13:31:36 GMT -5
That was an weak ass Answer--"If Dr. York was here he could make sense of it" I just Proved to you that in 1973 he was supposely traveling to Africa and Arabia. Now your saying he also joined the Moorish Science Temple in 1973. You don't even believe that. Wake up Honey. Like I said--HE NEVER USED THE NAME MALACHI in the 70's. He didn't even mention it in his book "Who is Noble Drew Ali. Why would it be such a secret???
Let's Explain Why he jumped on the Moorish Bandwagon. During the 90's a women in Louisanna called the Emperess Verdicee Goston El-Bey claimed she was the owner of half of America -from Louisanna to Canada(WASHITAW). By the Way she jumped on the Moorish Bandwagan also-but that's another story. Well, She Promoted the ideology of SOVEREIGTY -which is none other than European Patriot Propaganda. Well she was the first to tie in Indian/Native America and Moorish philosophy by the way of some Bogus Moors in Clevland Ohio under a group called the Clock of Destiny/Circle of Mothers and Sons. YORK and his love of claiming family relationships-jumped on the bandwagon as well and STATED he was related(I believe YORK said they were Cousins). York saw an opportunity to switch up philosophies again--Because this Moorish group believed in Not paying Taxes and was also tied to Freemasonry. York was in Georgia already and New MASONRY was Poppin in the south. So York Started to claim Moorish ancestry and Masonic ancesrtry. YORK saw oportunity in both philosophies--Masonry for networking purposes and attracting other masons to his books, and Moorish/Soverneigtry philosophy for trying to get a Tax break and indigenous status. IT WAS A GET OVER TACTIC. See it for what it is. So its ironic that York would claim nowadays he is a Moor. and claimed his nationality in 1973, When he was kicking his Ansaar Pure Sufi stuff in Brooklyn. Brother Ralph on ths board already disproved his Masonic connection. Its about doing the RESEARCH and piecing the puzzle together--since York has taken upon himself to Divide and Conquer -Meaning he will disrespect and talk about your group then bloodsuck your groups Information and use it for his personal gain. Truth is Truth
You killed me with the exspession" I'm sure York has a logical explaination as to why he is using another groups name and philosophy--Yeah were waiting for that "Set the Record Straight Book Part 2. -He means Business this time"-
can't wat for the Movie
Post by BalkisII on May 20, 2004 13:43:10 GMT -5
Post by DenhamEL on May 20, 2004 15:39:23 GMT -5
Islam BrothemanShamgod777! Teach brother, Teach! Temple#11 S. Broad Street, Phila, Penn Set aside Aug 3, 1928 Grand Sheik Bro. Thompson-El Asst.G.S. Bro. J. Taylor-Bey Temple #5 Pittsburgh, PA G.S. T. Crumby-Bey I hope that helps brother, in reference to your Grandfather, these were The Prophet's Temple and not The Reincarnated Temples! Peace, Light and Love Denham-El That was an weak ass Answer--"If Dr. York was here he could make sense of it" I just Proved to you that in 1973 he was supposely traveling to Africa and Arabia. Now your saying he also joined the Moorish Science Temple in 1973. You don't even believe that. Wake up Honey. Like I said--HE NEVER USED THE NAME MALACHI in the 70's. He didn't even mention it in his book "Who is Noble Drew Ali. Why would it be such a secret??? Let's Explain Why he jumped on the Moorish Bandwagon. During the 90's a women in Louisanna called the Emperess Verdicee Goston El-Bey claimed she was the owner of half of America -from Louisanna to Canada(WASHITAW). By the Way she jumped on the Moorish Bandwagan also-but that's another story. Well, She Promoted the ideology of SOVEREIGTY -which is none other than European Patriot Propaganda. Well she was the first to tie in Indian/Native America and Moorish philosophy by the way of some Bogus Moors in Clevland Ohio under a group called the Clock of Destiny/Circle of Mothers and Sons. YORK and his love of claiming family relationships-jumped on the bandwagon as well and STATED he was related(I believe YORK said they were Cousins). York saw an opportunity to switch up philosophies again--Because this Moorish group believed in Not paying Taxes and was also tied to Freemasonry. York was in Georgia already and New MASONRY was Poppin in the south. So York Started to claim Moorish ancestry and Masonic ancesrtry. YORK saw oportunity in both philosophies--Masonry for networking purposes and attracting other masons to his books, and Moorish/Soverneigtry philosophy for trying to get a Tax break and indigenous status. IT WAS A GET OVER TACTIC. See it for what it is. So its ironic that York would claim nowadays he is a Moor. and claimed his nationality in 1973, When he was kicking his Ansaar Pure Sufi stuff in Brooklyn. Brother Ralph on ths board already disproved his Masonic connection. Its about doing the RESEARCH and piecing the puzzle together--since York has taken upon himself to Divide and Conquer -Meaning he will disrespect and talk about your group then bloodsuck your groups Information and use it for his personal gain. Truth is Truth You killed me with the exspession" I'm sure York has a logical explaination as to why he is using another groups name and philosophy--Yeah were waiting for that "Set the Record Straight Book Part 2. -He means Business this time"- can't wat for the Movie
Post by shamgod777 on May 20, 2004 16:22:36 GMT -5
Peace, Brother Denham El, thanks for the Info. He was in the Pittsburg area,so that may be the one. Come to find out while talking with my mother the other night that it was my Fathers grandfather(my great- grandfather) who was part of the movement 1st. I'll get it right one day.
Post by NAR on May 20, 2004 17:50:51 GMT -5
The league of the tree was founded by the good feathered snakes. The semetic word "EL" scientifically means energy force (might). The TREE was a metaphor used to exemplify this energy force. Hence, EL can mean OAK TREE.
From the oldest tree on Earth, Man and Woman were made. The Anu-Nagi (Sky-Snakes) called them Loo or La, Le (oldest, primitive), which is a reflex for EL (tree) or YL.
Hence, York-EL means the Tree of the Yorks or York's family tree that is timeless...
Moorish Science Temple = MST = 52 = 13 x 4
Post by GTOM on May 20, 2004 22:11:35 GMT -5
Shamgod777 is right. According to York and other Nuwaibian Documents, In 1973, York was traveling in the Sudan, Egypt and Arabia. I have another document distributed by the Nuwaubians of York changing his name from Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi to Malachi York. The Date? March 12, 1993 !!! Hold On Now-- You say you saw it yourself and it said "M". York-El. Now from my observation-Back in 73' he NEVER went by the NAME-MALACHI. Thats something NEW, like in the 1990's. I know he was known as Isa abdullah and Isa Al-Haadi Al Mahdi in 1973. I know his birth name is Dwight York. I just find it funny that he would tell his congregation and the World that he is a MOOR nowadays with "El" in his name and then says in his Book-"Who was Noble Drew Ali(88')-that "You are not El or Bey,you are Abdullah." Something to think about I saw it personnaly, he showed a couple of brothers his old card he keeps in his wallet, It said M. York-El [/quote]
Post by shamgod777 on May 20, 2004 23:43:15 GMT -5
HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE!!! UH, I haven't smoke that greeny green green in 4 years but MAN what are you Smokin' -Just give me 1 pull--cause you mastered Yorks class on BULLSH9T. I know he gave you a free book or two. Cause That CRAP you wrote below doesn't add up. And I see you doing a lot of adding and multipling. Yo Calculator is broken Homie. Let me Quote you Dun--"The league of the Tree was founded by the good feathered snakes."--WHAT the Sh9t is this!! That sounds like some Snow White and the 7 dwarfs line. "EL" CANNOT MEAN OAK TREE. That's like saying Morris Day and the Time was giving Praise to God while do the OAKTREE DANCE-O-E O-E O ;D. Or maybe they really were saying A-E-O-E-O(say it Fast ) If you guys got that let me Know.. A+E+O= 2+1=3, Ancient Egyptian Order The 3 different angles to Look at BullSh9t-width-height-depth. The league of the tree was founded by the good feathered snakes. The semetic word "EL" scientifically means energy force (might). The TREE was a metaphor used to exemplify this energy force. Hence, EL can mean OAK TREE. From the oldest tree on Earth, Man and Woman were made. The Anu-Nagi (Sky-Snakes) called them Loo or La, Le (oldest, primitive), which is a reflex for EL (tree) or YL. Hence, York-EL means the Tree of the Yorks or York's family tree that is timeless... Moorish Science Temple = MST = 52 = 13 x 4 NAR
Post by SUDAN on May 21, 2004 0:34:25 GMT -5
The "good feathered snakes"..... HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE!!! Let me Quote you Dun--"The league of the Tree was founded by the good feathered snakes."-That sounds like some Snow White and the 7 dwarfs line. "EL" CANNOT MEAN OAK TREE.
Post by NAR on May 21, 2004 5:27:04 GMT -5
Bullshit (Dung) is the stuff that makes flowers and the green grass grow. In ancient Egiptian lore, the dung beetle was called khepr-r, whose name in semetic discourse became Gebra or Gebra-EL (might of the tree). The scarab's habit of laying eggs in animal dung as well as the bodies of dead scarabs was noticed by the true Egiptians. The subsequent hatching of the eggs from this seemingly unpromising material lead to the true Egiptians associating the scarab with renewal, rebirth and resurrection. The scarab's habit of rolling up dung into spheres and pushing it across the ground was also noted by the ancient Egiptians. HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE!!! UH, I haven't smoke that greeny green green in 4 years but MAN what are you Smokin' -Just give me 1 pull--cause you mastered Yorks class on BULLSH9T. I know he gave you a free book or two. Cause That CRAP you wrote below doesn't add up. And I see you doing a lot of adding and multipling. Yo Calculator is broken Homie. Let me Quote you Dun--"The league of the Tree was founded by the good feathered snakes."--WHAT the Sh9t is this!! That sounds like some Snow White and the 7 dwarfs line. "EL" CANNOT MEAN OAK TREE. That's like saying Morris Day and the Time was giving Praise to God while do the OAKTREE DANCE-O-E O-E O ;D. Or maybe they really were saying A-E-O-E-O(say it Fast ) If you guys got that let me Know.. A+E+O= 2+1=3, Ancient Egyptian Order The 3 different angles to Look at BullSh9t-width-height-depth.
Post by NAR on May 21, 2004 5:49:27 GMT -5
Reference to the league of the TREE (Malachi 4 v 1), the Peace Tree.
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
Post by kAHANyAH on May 21, 2004 8:18:55 GMT -5
Bi' BULL [bible] - the book of fecundityBullshit (Dung) is the stuff that makes flowers and the green grass grow. In ancient Egiptian lore, the dung beetle was called khepr-r, whose name in semetic discourse became Gebra or Gebra-EL (might of the tree). The scarab's habit of laying eggs in animal dung as well as the bodies of dead scarabs was noticed by the true Egiptians. The subsequent hatching of the eggs from this seemingly unpromising material lead to the true Egiptians associating the scarab with renewal, rebirth and resurrection. The scarab's habit of rolling up dung into spheres and pushing it across the ground was also noted by the ancient Egiptians.
Post by NAR on May 21, 2004 9:19:12 GMT -5
Indeed kah, In addition, through reflection BIBLE is EL BIB (the gate, the vortex). It is interesting to note that the word HOLY is the prefix for HOLY BIBLE, which reflects the semetic phrase EL BIB YLOH that is to say in arabic discourse Al bab ilah (the wooden gate). Bi' BULL [bible] - the book of fecundity/me
Post by NAR on May 21, 2004 9:49:17 GMT -5
Noble Drew Ali, Born Timothy Drew on a Cherokee (chan'ku) Reservation, was the founder of MST (Moorish Science Temple), which has a mathematical code that connects to the cycle of the "good feathered snakes." The Amantaca (master builders of Tuula) called one of them, Ketsalcoatl. MST = 52 = 13 x 4 The MST was founded and incoperated in America or AMARUCA (the lands of the feathered snakes). The name DREW comes from the Sanskrit word DROO, which means WOOD or TREE. From the Sanskrit word "droo", we get the word TRUTH. The tree is a very important motif to the ancient Amarucans. To the ancient Maya, the 13 heavens and 9 hells were connected by a tree in the center of the universe. Arithmetically, this world view is the science of sound right reason, Natural Law called NUWAUPU = 117 = 9 x 13. Pa Naba Ra (ideal man), Born Cherokee www.freewebs.com/temari/index.htmThe "good feathered snakes".....
Post by Ralph on May 21, 2004 12:31:36 GMT -5
I don't know which temple, but the year was 1973 according to the card I saw. In 73 he was REAL busy! 1) Traveled to Trinidad 2) Added the title Ansuru Allah Community to his cult(he also joined the MSTA?) 3) Traveled(Summer of 73) to the Sudan, Egyptand also Suadi Arabia 4) He also claimed he got his Doctorate in Islamic law within four months
Post by GTOM on May 21, 2004 15:19:16 GMT -5
Malachi York =1992/1993